I don't know about you all but the weekend just flew by. Well, last Friday my boyfriend went up to our place in PA to check on things and guess what!!!! Someone broke in and stole a lot of his tools out of the building. They cut the large chains and locks he had on the doors and cleaned house. (3 chain saws, an air compressor unit, circular saws, power washer and more I'm sure of, but can't account for yet) We are just sick over it. Why do people have to be so darn greedy. And to top it off, he did not have insurance. Oh, well life goes on......
Saturday was my b-day, so we drove down to Fishersville VA to the Winter in the Valley show. It was very nice, a lot of beautiful prim goods....a little rich for me but was nice to look. Then we stopped at some antique malls, I found a great deal on old wooden spools. Now I need to figure out a craft for them...hee hee.
I spent Sunday and Monday working on a craft challenge put on by Denise (NeeNee) from Prim patterns n handmades
She supplied a free bunny body pattern and challenged anyone who wanted to participate to come up with a bunny idea. I thought it would be fun, I never turn down a crafting challenge.
Sooooo...Meet Harriett and Henry.

They are so prim!!! Harriett is dressed in an aged soft floral print that I just adore, and Henry has his old blue denim on. They are both holding some prim carrots I made from muslin and paint, then added natural excelsior to the tops.
I've been thinking of doing a blogger giveaway and they may be just who I'll use for it. What do you think??
I'll get the wheels turning and post the details by the end of February. So stay in touch.
Gotta lot of other crafties I'm working on, so I best get to work.
Oh, yeah, I changed my background and header, What do you think??? And can anyone tell me how in the world do you add someones button/badge to the sidebar??? I have entered a few other giveaways on the blogger, but for the life of me I can not figure out how to add them to my sidebar like some you all do.....inquiring minds want to know...lol.
Prim Blessing,