Friday, December 31, 2010

Old Recipe Sheets, New Year blessings

Hi Blog Friends,
I was going thru some packed boxes today and came across some old recipe sheets I cut out of Country Living Magazines years ago. I was saving them to frame some day and hang in my kitchen or dinning room, but have never gotten that far.
The following are for Valentine recipes and since everyone is thinking about it, I thought it would be nice to share them.
They are illustrations by Susan Branch. The pages have yellowed through the years but are still in nice shape. Maybe I’ll get to this project in the coming year.
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Aren’t they sweet!

Happy New Year! Be safe in your travels this weekend.
Prim Blessings, Jean

Hey Ya’ll look at this offering!

Donna at Sweet Prairie Dwellings has really out done herself on this one! She need 25 more follower in order to hold this oh so generous giveaway!
Run over and sign up to follow her, cause the anticipation is killing me!!! Oh, and I left her a message that my b-day is in February and this would make a wonderful gift! Lol.
Hurry over and get in on the fun!! You’ll kick yourself if you miss out !

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Let’s help Donna reach her goal….

Hey Blog Friends,
Let’s help Donna at Sweet Prairie Dwellings reach her goal.
Here’s what she wrote:
“I realized that there's a Fat Chance of getting that many followers at all. So lets do this....Lets see what happens if I try for 350 followers instead.And hopefully in the next day or 2 I will post pictures..I am in the midst of getting the goods together right now as I am writing this Post.I Will tell you this much...this Giveaway is for those who really like the ''Very Early style Prims'' as opposed to the Country Prims.These are ''Extreme Prims'' But if you are into these kinds of Primitives...then I promise you'll want to get in on this one.There will be Pantry cloths...Grungy candles...Stained cheesecloth yardage.One of my Ultra Grungy faux(grubby Candle lights..some cubby hangers...Dried Sweet potato fixins..Dried Apple and Rosehips fixins,,,Just to give you an idea , and a few other primitives as well.This one is going to be a nice size Giveaway!My house smells soooooooo good right now of coffee and spices as I have been working on these all day!!And if I should reach 350 followers by weeks end ,,,I will DRAW 2 WINNERS,,and each one will receive the same package of goods. But the same rules Apply,,,you must be A follower of this get in on this Giveaway!!!!And if you post it on your blog when I get the pics posted it will give you a second entry. Thanks ...... Donna “
What are you waiting for? Get in on this one, if you’re a follower of her bog, help get the word out and send some of your followers her way. I know there are many new bloggers out there, cause I have had quite a few new friends start following me lately. Welcome all!!!
I personally have received one of Donna’s prim candle lights and it’s wonderful, so you prim lovers out there will definitely not be disappointed if you should win.
Click on Sweet Prairie Dwellings to go to her blog site.
Prim Blessings,

Wynter items I’ve been working on…

Hi Blog Friends,
The following are some items I’ve been making to put in my selling booth/ consign shop. I’m trying to get a variety of items together for Valentines, Winter and Everyday. It’s hard to gauge what will be selling in the coming months.
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I received this pattern*Let it snow, snowman n’ mitten, last week from Kim at Old Road Primitives for free! I get her e-newsletter and last week she had a survey, which if you answered her questions she would send a free pattern!! I think he’s just adorable and pretty easy to make.
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How about this cutie! It’s another free pattern I received from Sandy at The Olde Country Cupboard. Sandy held a giveaway and after the drawing she offered all the entries a free pattern of their choosing as a gift from her. Sandy is so sweet to have done that. My picture makes him show up whiter than he really is and I added the heart instead of the tree and candy cane so he could stay out for the winter or at least til valentines day. I love that his stick arms are made of fabric. He still needs to be sprinkled with some cinnamon to make him a bit more grungy, as soon as the winds die down.
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Some Valentine make-do’s. I used a pattern from Countin Crows Primitives to make these. The one on the left is almost the way the original pattern is, except the original is for a punch needle and I appliqued wool felt for the crow. Then I used the heart shape to make the ones on the right with my own design for the hand stitching's and added wool felt hearts to them. When I purchased the fabric for the heart on the far right, reading Love, the lady cutting the material said,”this print looks like an EKG printout”, I said well how ironic, I plan to make fabric hearts from it! She laughed.
Got many more things to be working on and hope to share soon.
Thanks for stopping by to see what I’ve been working on.
Prim Blessings,

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Look who's coming to live with me!!

Good morning blog friends,
I was surfing through my blog reader this morning and read I had won a sweet giveaway over at

Look how beautiful this little sweetie is!
She's handmade by Kat, and oh so adorable.
Kat is needing new followers for her blog. When she gets to 100 followers she is going to have another sweet giveaway! So go on over and check her blog out! She has some of the sweetest little dolls up for sale.

And don't forget about Donna at Sweet Prairie Dwelling offering a giveaway if she gets 375 followers! She's at 319 as of this post. But you have to hurry, Donna wants to achieve this by year end 2010!!

I have some new items I've been working on and will show pictures as soon as I can.
Until then, go check out these great blogs and make a new friend!
Prim Blessings,

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Hurry! Hurry!!!!! You gotta get in on this one!

Hurry on over to Sweet Prairie Dwellings blog and become a follower! Donna is offering a great giveaway, but the catch is she needs to reach 375 followers first. She's at 311 as of this post.
If your not a follower of Donna's blog, don't miss out!! Her offerings are Oh So Prim and Wonderful!
And if she reaches 400 followers by year end, she will draw two winners!!
How great is that!!!
Don't miss out on the fun, go over and visit her now!!
If you are a follower of her blog, spread the word!

Merry Christ-mas,

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry CHRISTmas.


May the wonders of Christmas be with you.


Prim Blessings,


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tried my hand at Prairie Bonnets.

Hi Blog Friends,

It’s Wednesday and I can safely say I am done with my Christmas presents. This year I made quiet a few presents for family and friends, so I hope they like what I’ve made.  I love receiving homemade gifts. It means someone put there heart in making it. I’m not able to show pic’s of them cause I don’t want to spoil any surprises.

But, I can show you what I’ve been working on this week.

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I went to JoAnn Fabrics last weekend and picked up some new supplies and while there I thought I’d look to see if there where any patterns for Prairie Bonnets. JoAnn’s was having a sale on most of there patterns, $1.99 each – regularly $11.50!!

Well, they did have a few patterns to choose from. I’ve never made them before and was not sure how involved they would be, so I thought for $1.99 it wouldn't hurt to buy one and try.

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These are my first attempt. What do you think?

They are adult size Large.  I machine stitched everything, except the inside facing of the brim. It had to be hand stitched to look right. I used a light weight interfacing on the brim so it would hold a nice shape and could be folded back. I think I might wash them in a grungy mix to give a worn look, but other than that, I love how they turned out!

Where I live is a very historic area, so I think they may sell in my mall booth. I’ve not seen anywhere here selling them, so I guess I shall see how they do. Now that I have a feel for how bonnets are made I can play with the pattern and come up with some different styles.

Gotta get some cleaning done and run some errands today, so we can enjoy the weekend ahead.

Thank you for stopping by to visit.

Prim Blessings,


Monday, December 20, 2010

OM Goodness…..It’s like Christmas today!

Hi Blog Friends,

I just have to share my excitement with you all.

I received two packages in the mail today. They where from two very sweet blog friends who held giveaways and I was blessed to win. I could hardly contain myself from ripping right into them, but I wanted to take pictures to share so I held back. Let me tell you it was hard!!

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The first one I opened came all the way from Australia!  Pam over at Cloth to Creation sent this sweet little package. Look how nicely she wrapped it! She even stamped Merry Christmas on the tissue paper!Winnings 003

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Here’s what it looked like when I opened the tissue paper.

All kinds of goodies!

Pam is so talented, she made a pin keep with a ladybug motif, she even included vintage pins to Winnings 005

put in it!  They’re attached to the tag with the music notes on it.  She made a wire bird hanger with a sweet bluebird attached.  Six vintage Santa tags and some yummy candy!!

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And this beautiful stocking! I love the green chenille. She used scrabble tiles to spell out JOY.

Thank you for such sweet offerings Pam, I am in all of your talent.




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My second gift in the mail came from Mona over at My Old Crow Primitives.

Just look at this cute mouse! I’ve named him Pursy, the Christmas mouse!! Oh, and I love the tissue paper she used in the packaging of Pursy. It has prim crows on it! Hence her business name.

Winnings 011Thank you Mona for such a generous gift. You ladies are so talented.

I have been truly blessed to receive both of your gifts.


Please take the time to visit both of these ladies blogs and if your not a follower, make a new friend and become a follower. You will not be disappointed!

Well I’m working on some new goodies so if I get any of them done I’ll try to post again later in the week.

Until then, Have a great week and stay warm.

Prim Blessings,


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Look who’s coming to live with me!!


This sweet little mouse!

Mona over at My Old crow Primitives hosted a giveaway and I won! Her hubby pulled my name. Thank you, thank you.

I can’t wait to meet this cute little guy.

If you have not visited Mona’s blog click on the link above and say hello.  Her sidebar has four sites she sells her wares on and they are oh so primly delightful!

Thank you Mona and hubby, wishing you a Merry Christmas!

It’s Snowing!!!

Good Thursday Morning Blog Friends,

Boy oh boy, the snow started falling here in the valley about 20 minutes ago and look at it sticking!snow 006snow 007

The weather man said 1-3 inches but at this rate I’m thinking more than that. Good day to stay in an get more crafts done.

Here are some things I’ve completed this week.

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Prim New England Tree Candles. I love how they turned out. I made them using a pattern from My Primitive Saltbox.

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Primitive snowman pillow. I’ve made these for several years now and always get a great response in selling them!

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Prim horse anyone? My first attempt at a 3-D horse. He has jointed legs and I used rusty square head nails for his hoofs. Much cuter in person!

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Prim stockings on wood dryers.

I don’t know what’s going on with my computer lately, but it seems that some of the blogs I have been following have just disappeared off my dashboard. I don’t know if there’s a limit of how many blogs you can follow or what?  Has anyone else had this problem? I don’t get them in Google reader either.  Guess I’ll have to surf and find them again. Gives me an excuse to stay on the computer today!

Hope y’all stay safe and warm, thanks for stopping by,

Prim Blessings,


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Giveaway winning and a tutorial

Good morning blog friends,

Boy is it cold outside! We had a few snow flurries yesterday, but nothing to stick around. I know many of you are having considerable amounts of snow and hope you are staying safe.


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I want to share a gorgeous win I received in the mail last night. Look how beautifully wrapped it is!


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It’s a whale tale candle paddle from Carol at Firecracker Kid Primitives. Visit her sales blog to see what great prim offerings are listed.

002Here it is all decked out for the holiday season. I love it! Thank you so much Carol, It’s a great addition to my home décor.

Please be sure to pay Carol a visit. She has been so generous all year long hosting giveaways of the prim woodcrafts her and her hubby create. Stop by and wish them a Merry Christmas.

I was working on some crafts last night and had a few small legs to turn right side out and thought I would share with you my secret on how I turn those pesky little openings right side out.  My mom taught me this many years ago and it really works great and not expensive. Matter of fact doesn't cost anything!

stuff 002Here’s all you need. A drinking straw, I get mine from McD’s for free and a thin dowel or you can even use a thin sturdy stick from your yard.

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All you do is insert the straw in the opening and push all the way to the end of the item your wanting to turn right side out.

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Now take your dowel and push some of the fabric into the drinking straw, but don’t push to hard. You don’t want to push a hole through your seem!

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Now with the dowel still in the straw, take your hand and work the fabric towards the dowel so that it is turning right side out. stuff 006

Then pull the straw off of the dowel and Walla! It’s right side out!  Saves time and aggravation.

This works great on dolls that have those tiny little fingers too!!

Try it sometime, I’m sure you’ll love how well it works.

Got to get to work finishing up crafts I’ve been working on this week. I’ll post some pics’ later this week of them.

Have a great day, and stay warm.

Prim Blessings,


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Calling ALL Blogger Friends........

Here's the deal-
Janice over at The Prim Outhouse only needs 24 more followers to giveaway a pair of her prim skates!
And to boot (LOL) Donna at Sweet Prairie Dwellings is offering up some of her goodies too!!!
2 of her grungy tea lights

and a mystery prize!

What are you waiting for??
Click on The Prim Outhouse link above and sign up as a follower!
Don't miss out on the fun!!



Good morning blog friends,

I just wanted to pop on here and say there are so many generous bloggers out in blog land. If you look at my sidebar there are wonderful giveaways being offered. Go pay them a visit if you haven't done so already. I’ve won some great giveaways and will post about them as soon as they arrive. Can’t wait!

It’s very dreary here today, rain and mildly cold, a good day to surf blog land and maybe bake a few cookies. I’m making my fabulous meatloaf and mash potatoes for dinner tonight. Good comfort foods for a day like today.

I know most of you are having some serious winter weather out there, so stay inside if you can and enjoy this glorious Sunday.

Prim Blessings,


Thursday, December 9, 2010

It’s time!!!

Good morning blog Friends,

It’s time to announce the winner of my giveaway!!

First I’d like to say a Big Thank You to all who entered and I loved reading what your favorite Christmas ornie /displays were.

I also want to welcome all my new followers. It truly means a lot to me to see there are so many bloggers out in cyber world that take an interest in my creativeness. It’s nice to get comments and helps to boost my morale.

So without further ado, drum roll please………………


I had 22 wonderful friends enter, so I used to pick a number and I thought you would not believe me; so I took a picture of the results. It came up number 1!!!

Samantha of Samantha’s Accessories is the luck winner!!

Congrats Samantha!!! I’ll be emailing you for your addy.

Thank you all for entering. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year!

I also want to share a few pictures of the crafts I’ve been working on this week.

Look at this guy!!!

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Meet Oliver the snowman. He is 50” tall from floor to top of his stove pipe hat! He has possible arms, a round head, stitched eyes and mouth with a handmade clay carrot nose! I love how he turned out!!

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Here’s prim Charlie the snowman. He is a design by Olde Homestead Barn.  He’s much cuter than my picture shows him to be.

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Frosty Spring! He’s a design by My Primitive Saltbox. I love how easy he was to make.

I have a few more things to finish up next week for Christmas, then I’m going to start making winter and valentine items to sell in my booths.

I can’t believe there’s only 16 days til Christmas.

My next giveaway will be in February, cause that’s when my B-day is and I’d like to celebrate with my blog friends. Maybe by then I’ll have reached 200 followers and have a big party!!

Thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget to congratulate Samantha on her win.

Prim Blessings,


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Reminder of giveaway, Christmas swap gifts and sharing some new craft items….

Good morning Blog Friends,

Brrrr…. it’s cold outside!

Want to remind ya’ll my giveaway ends tomorrow night. I will draw a winner on Thursday morning!!  Click here to enter. Only taking entries on that post for the giveaway.

Look at what I received in the mail last night! I entered a Christmas Swap and was paired up with Casey from Classic with a pop and here is what she made me. I love it! I love the beach and now I’ll have to do a beach theme room. She made a table runner out of burlap and attached starfish to each end and gross grain ribbon to finish it off. Then she glued ribbon loops to some seashells. I think I’ll use them in a center piece as a bowl filler with sand.

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Thank you Casey! Great job!

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How cute is this prim panda bear! I went to a little shop up the road from me called The Shoppes at Mauzy. Click on the link to visit their website. The shop is chocked full of prim stuff. I spoke with the owner while there about doing some consignment, not sure if I will as she asks for 30% of the sale. A little steep. I know I can add it to my price but I like to make my items affordable to everyone.

Ok, here are some pics of things I’ve been working on the past week.

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Prim Snowy’s and Nicks on a stick! got the pattern from My Primitive Saltbox. She sells her patterns for $2.00 each and I am loving making all the patterns I have purchased. I sell these for $8.95 each in my selling booths.

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Christmas Mice! These are my own design and are oh so cute! I have been selling them for $8.95 at my selling booths and they disappear quickly! I love the top pic. I made a bottle brush tree for him to hold.  I got the technique for making bottle brush trees out of sisal twine from a blog buddy but can’t for the life of me remember who??? Sorry.

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Prim Santa doll of my own design. I think he turned out oh so sweet! He’s holding a prim candy cane I made and added greens and pips to it. Gonna sell him for $16.95 in my booth.

Gotta get back to working on more crafts. I have a bunch of Christmas stuff to finish up before it’s to late to sell Christmas stuff!! Where does the time go?

Have a great day. Will be back on Thursday to post the winner of the giveaway!!

Good luck to all,

Prim Blessings,
